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Open Data

Open Data


officedatabase 104402 officedatabase 104402



Terms of Use for Government Open Data 1.0

The use or reuse of data must comply with the following terms and conditions:

1. Use of data under these terms:
Data owners authorize the use of data without any charge.

2. Users may perform the following actions:
(i) Copy, publish, distribute, and transfer data;

(ii) Adapt data;

(iii) Use data for commercial and non-commercial purposes; and

(iv) Combine data with other data or summarize data in products or applications.

3. If undertaking any of the above in paragraph 2, users MUST:
(i) Attribute the data source in products or applications based on statements specified by the data owner;

(ii) Provide a link to these Terms of Use; and

(iii) If the data owner does not provide a statement of intellectual property ownership, users shall use a statement such as the following: "Data and information subject to the Terms of Use for Government Open Data Malaysia 1.0"

These Terms of Use do not grant any rights to:
(i) Personal data;

(ii) Names, emblems, logos, or any official symbols of the data owner;

(iii) Logos of public sector organizations or departments;

(iv) Royal insignia and military symbols;

(v) Third-party rights over which the data owner has no authority;

(vi) Any intellectual property rights including patents, trademarks, and designs; and

(vii) Identity documents such as Malaysian passports, MyKad.

(i) Data is provided in the form as provided by the data owner. The data owner disclaims any representations, warranties, obligations, and liabilities regarding the data; and

(ii) The data owner is not responsible for any errors and loss of data. The data owner also disclaims any liability for any type of loss, injury, or damage resulting from the use of such data. The data owner does not warrant that the data is provided continuously.

These Terms of Use are governed by the law within the jurisdiction, and the data owner is the primary owner of the data.

Amendment Date: 30 SEPTEMBER 2015


Contact Us

Perbadanan Pembangunan Pulau Pinang
Bangunan Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu
No 1 Persiaran Mahsuri
11909 Bayan Lepas, Pulau Pinang

Email: webmaster[at]pdc[dot]gov[dot]my

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  • Last Update: 09 July 2024.